
Friday, April 12, 2013

China Glaze Hologlam

I have been waiting for this polish for nearly a year since I saw it on Polish Galore last year. I missed out on China Glaze's OMG collection and was ridiculously excited to see them come out with another holographic. I only have one other brand to compare it to, Layla's Hologram Effect , but I understand that China Glaze's formula is different from other brands out there. I've applied this to my mom's naked nails, my base coated nails, and my plastic practice finger. Naked nails were beautiful, only one or 2 coats to cover it. My base-coated nails kept getting bald spots. I don't know why because I'm sure the base-coat was dry when I applied the holo. It took 3 or 4 coats to cover bald spots. Practice finger(no basecoat) was a one or 2 coat cover as well. What is interesting is these polishes paint on almost matte and dry to reveal the holo effect. So don't panic if you don't see the holo right away, it will show up. Now holographics tend to run more expensive than regular polishes, so I assumed they were going to run about 14 dollars. No idea where I got that number from. Regular China Glaze is 6 or 7 bucks, the holo collection is 8.99. Not bad at all. And through the month of April all the polishes are buy 2 get one free, hence the first 3 I picked up. I hope to get more, there are 12 in the collection, but money is tight so I'll have to settle for these first 3 for now.

I have some pictures, but the sun hasn't been shining for the last couple days so all the pics are in shade. Stupid rainy April messing up my pictures. When the sun shines at last I'll take some more pics and update this post. They are lovely colors even in the shade, but you can barely see the holo effect in shade or indoor lighting. Wacky Laki has some nice holo pics you can check out for now til I get my better shots.

Check out my first 3 China Glaze Hologlam colors after the jump.

First up, "Sci-Fly By". A lovely sky blue with a gorgeous holo that you can't see because it's raining outside. Still a pretty metallic and I like that the color is nice even if you can't see the effect. My first 2 holos are very boring to look at if you can't see the holo.

Here is "Infra-Red". Again a very pretty magenta inside color. The holo is weaker than "Sci-Fly By" but I'll reserve judgement till I can see it in the sunlight. I bought these polishes yesterday and it has been gloomy outside since that morning so even I haven't see the holo in all it's glory yet.

"OMG a UFO" is an olive green. Now I can't pass up greens, but this one nearly made me grab the dark purple instead. I really wish that if they came out with a green it would have been more emerald, but I'll take what I can get. I may love greens, but olive isn't my fav. Anyway, the holo is strong in this one as well, but you'll just have to take my word for that until I can get sunny pictures.

This is a desperate attempt to show the holo for right now. Shot in my room with the awful amber lighting you can kind of see the holo in both the "Sci-Fly By" and "Infra-Red".

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