
Friday, February 13, 2015

Valentine's Day Swirls

Yeah, So an unplanned hiatus happened. It's not really over actually. My net is very limited at the moment, so yeah. Sucks.

But in happier news I won a Give-Away! I've never won one before and am super giddy. The chances of me winning were so slim too. I only got one entry in it because I found out about it so late. I'm without internet and just happened to see it on the last couple days it was active. I didn't have time to do a challenge mani for it, so I only got the one "click here for a free entry" click. After winners were picked they only had 24 hours to email and claim their prizes. About 4 or 5 days after it was over I happened to be at the mall and had an email from the sponsors. I figured no way I was still in the 24 hour period, that maybe the email was old and I got passed over. But no! The first few people didn't respond and I got chosen at the time I happened to be at a wifi spot. Seriously, it was like it was meant to be!

Anyway, back to these nails. I painted them China Glaze "White on White" and then with some foil glue. I had this idea that since the glue dried tacky I could brush loose glitter over it and have it stick. There were... complications. The tiny tub of glitter was stuck shut and as I was prying it open... well... it popped. Like a little glitter volcano all over my bed. (its cold outside so I sit in my bed and paint my nails instead of doing it on the porch like normal in the summer.) So I got glitter on my nail like a planned, but I also got lint and cat hair too. Soldiering on, I stamped with OPI "Time and A-Gwen" and Fab Ur Nails FUN 3 stamping plate, both of which were part of my give-away gift. Despite the cat hair-glitter fiasco, I really like how this turned out.

So I don't know when I'll get a chance to post again. I'll try to at least get pics up, if not text. I'm still here and still painting, but access to net is ugly right now.

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