
Monday, May 27, 2013

Pink Crackle

I've had a nice vacation, how bout all you? Sorry for the long break in posting, apparently I'm not as adept at the "schedule a post" thing as I thought I was, but I'm back now with some easy manicures.

I took some time off because a friend of mine was coming in from California and I wanted to show him around Chicago. I only packed a handful of polishes so I needed to get a few manis out of about 6 polishes. Here is what I came up with first.

Sally Hansen has a limited edition release of her Insta Dri collection for summer and this one is Straw-Ready a pinky coral that I think is gonna be a hot color this year. I love my greens, but a good creamy coral is beautiful too. On top of that is China Glaze's "Haute Metal" a pinky metallic crackle. Yeah the Crackle fad maybe over but I still love the effect. A very simple mani that I did in minutes in the hotel room. I did miss my whole nail polish laboratory, but you just can't take 300 bottles of polish with you when you travel. Heck narrowing it down to what would fit in a sandwich bag just about killed me as it was. Not to mention the accessories that go with manicures. Stamping tools, files, orange sticks, top and base coats.... just how can anyone expect me to go anywhere with out it all :)

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