
Sunday, February 3, 2013

Purple Hearts

I just got back from a convention this weekend, so only making a quick post of what I'm wearing right now before crashing for a nap. I work in a place that's very focused on holidays, so I'll be sporting Valentines mani's for a few more days. Here is the latest. OPI's "Louve Me, Louve Me Not" stamped with Claire's white using the hearts found in Claire's new stamping kit. Topped with Out The Door's "Northern Lights" holographic top coat. I don't think the glitter was a good choice, but the white on the purple was rather stark, so I wanted something to soften it. For some reason I thought glitter would do it. I still like it, but maybe next time I'd stamp in pastel purple instead of white. Stamp lined up really well on index and middle, but then I got impatient and ring and pinky got placed a bit high. Ok, nap time now....

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